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Description Having your very own corporate photographer can be the only way to guarantee that the memories you captured are of top-quality, so that you’ll have an amazing set of pictures to showcase your brand and celebrate this special day long after it’s over. But what if hiring a professional camera person isn’t within your budget? It doesn’t have to be! These 10 do-it-yourself photography hacks for amateur photographers will help you take photos that are professional-level quality without breaking the bank. No big budget, no big problem! • Get closer to your subject One of the most common mistakes made by amateur photographers is keeping their subject too far away from them. This often causes the subject to look small, unimportant and disconnected. To avoid this mistake, try getting closer to your subject. As you get closer and fill more of the frame with your subject, they will seem larger and more imposing in comparison to the background. • Use natural light The best way to produce great photos is to use natural light. This can be achieved by opening the curtains and windows during the day, or using a window as the backdrop for photos at night. There are also many apps that you can download on your phone which will allow you to edit photos in order to make them look better and more professional. • Create a makeshift diffuser Diffusing essential oils is a great way to add fragrance and therapeutic benefits to your home, but it can be costly. Here are some easy DIY diffuser ideas that cost less than $1 and work just as well. • Use a reflector Reflectors are one of the most useful photography tools for amateurs and professionals alike. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors but they all serve the same purpose: bouncing light back onto your subject. This can be used to fill in shadows or make your subject look more three dimensional by creating a gradient around them. The most common type of reflector is made from white fabric stretched over a circular frame and is usually covered with either silver or gold foil on one side.
Add Time 2014-08-03 08:05:22
Category Arts / ArtHistory / Photography