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Description Farmlands in Bangalore agricultural-asset management company running managed farm land in Bangalore. We have agriculture just as manor crop cultivates that you can browse. We deal with the farms, grow the crops, harvest them realize and the profit for you. Arinaa Country Farm is beautiful farmland in Bangalore. Spread around 15 acres, fully compounded with an ample number of grown trees and plants. A pleasant location, nearest farmland in Bangalore. Arinaa Country Farms is located in Segekote village near kanakapura town, Bangalore. This managed farmland is for sale with beautifully maintained teakwood, mango, sapota and other trees. Kindly Contact Us Website Phone :+91 9663614614
Add Time 2022-03-11 01:59:09
Category Business / AgricultureandForestry / FarmRealEstate