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Description Welcome and warmest wishes! On behalf of the Allied Academies Conferences and Chemistry Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome all of the participants and guests to the 16th World Congress on Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry - Chemistry 2023. Chemistry 2023 will be the 16th in the series of successful cosponsored scientific conferences of our Societies. Founded in 1994, AAC conferences have been held every year throughout the world. The theme of Chemistry 2023 is "Exploring the deeper levels of Chemistry towards a Healthier life". As with all past congresses, Chemistry 2022 fosters collaborations among chemical scientists and technical programs proven the quality of life throughout the world. Our outstanding technical program truly represents collaborations among scientists from at least three different countries. The result of such collaborations can only bring improvements in technical development and a better quality of life for all people. Chemistry 2023 is three days of oral and poster sessions, keynotes, social events, and workshops in the beautiful city of London, UK from March 27-29, 2023. All of the members and staff of the Chemistry 2023 Organizing Committee will spend many hours preparing for this Edition to make it the best possible. We are excited about the outcome and hope that you will find this Upcoming Edition fruitful enjoyable and worthwhile. We look forward to seeing you in London, UK!!! Regards, Chemistry 2023 | Committee Members
Add Time 2015-12-13 09:05:20
Category Business / InternationalBusinessandTrade / Conferences