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Description Our Factory Zhengzhou Shenlong Animation And Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer which is the largest factory in Zhengzhou of China,Website:, established in 1990, Shenlong is the most powerful manufacturer in amusement park rides market, we cooperated with many clients and trade companies all over the world, 80% export companies in Henan resell our rides to abroad market. We specialize in the R&D of amusement park large-scale rides, we have been the NO.1 in the large-scale rides market. Our Product Main product : 1)Thrill rides and attraction.such as Ferris Wheel, giant / big pendulum, speed windmill rides, top spin rides, flying carpet rides... 2)Rotating and lifting series.such as uto self-control plane, mini ferris wheel, magic moon rides, energy storm rides... 3)Jumping series.such as frog Jumping rides, kangaroo jump rides, kung fu panda rides... 4)Carousel double deck carousel, mini carousel, animal carousel, classical carousel... 5)Swing series.super swing rides, flying chair rides... 6)Track series and Trackless series.such as elephant train, smile train, classical train rides.... 7)Inflatable series.such as mechanical bull rides, inflatable castle...
Add Time 2019-12-30 22:10:39
Category Arts / Video