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Description Outdoor Hoverboards are two-wheeled portable electric gadgets. They first appeared on the scene in 2015 and have steadily grown in popularity since then. A rider is hung on a platform between the two wheels, powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The platform is big enough to accommodate the rider’s two feet as well as sufficient breathing room. They’re not exactly the stuff of Back to the Future. Typically, these gadgets operate similarly to powered skateboards, with a rider platform sandwiched between two wheels and powered by huge lithium-ion batteries. Outdoor Hoverboards became popular in the United States about 2015, despite it being impossible to pinpoint their precise origins. The presence of celebrities riding outdoor Hoverboards propelled these scooters into stardom while also creating legal concerns.
Add Time 2020-04-17 13:34:49
Category Business / NewsandMedia