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Сладкарски Курсове

I. Здравословни и безопасни условия на труд 1. Производствена хигиена, предотвратяване на нещастни случаи 2. Защита от пожар и даване на първа помощ II. Суровини и материали за производство на хляб, хлебни и сладкарски изделия 1. Основни химични и физични понятия 2. Съставни части на хранителните продукти – въглехидрати, мазнини, белтъчини, вода, минерални вещества, витамини, ароматни, вкусови субстанции и оцветители 3. Енергийни и хранителни нужди. Хранене и нарушения в храненето 4. Хранителни продукти – захар и подсладители, зърнени и житни, яйца, мляко и млечни продукти, плодове, марципан, нуга, какао, кафе, вкусови добавки, набухватели, желиращи и сгъстяващи продукти III. Технология на специалността 1. Обработка на суровините 2. Мерки и тегла 3. Теста с мая, рецепти 4. Многолистни (хилядолистни) теста 5. Бутертеста 6. Ронливи маслени теста 7. Медени и сиренени теста 8. Пандишпанени и виенски маси 9. Кексови и козуначени маси 10. Белтъчни маси (целувчени и шаммаси) 11. Бадемови маси 12. Хипен маси (вафлени маси) 13. Парено тесто 14. Флорентинени маси 15. Кремове – бъркани, варени, разбити

Индийский аюрведический массаж - что это - как делается и есть ли в нем польза

И ещё одна зацепочка: Википедия сообщает, что доля городского населения в 2011 году впервые составила 51,27%, что тоже подтверждает гипотезу.

Zelish - Convenient Meal Planning & Shopping - Shop Smart, Eat better

Zelish is a personalized Convenient Meal Planning & Shopping App, specifically made for the people who love "Ghar ka Khana". Zelish is a one-stop solution to plan, shop, and cook your meal at home.

Punjabi Restaurant in Tauranga

Preet Sweets and Takeways is a Punjabi restaurant in Tauranga. We offer pujabi food at an affordable rate.

Red Chilli Sauce | Yummy Tummy Aarthi

Red Chilli Sauce can be used for a dipping sauce for your pakoras or spring rolls. You can toss this with some fried chicken and enjoy it as red chili chicken.

Buy Meat Online from 56 Degrees

Canberrans know quality and we deserve the best; the rare breeds, the finest farming progams, the specialist cuts and the high marble score. That's why 56°

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Aroma Restaurant is a perfect example of what key features make a restaurant fancy. According to Aroma, fine dining is epitomised by high-quality, healthy food made from local produce, products that are in their natural state, food that is always gourmet and never excessive, dishes that are refined.


Iskapo’s online chicken delivery is your easiest way to indulge in tender and absolutely mouth-watering meats from the comfort of your home

Kamado smoking

Kamado Ceramic BBQ - Get the best Kamado barbecue at KamadoClub, we provide you kamado table, Kamado smoking, and Kamado ceramic egg BBQ at an affordable price in UK.


Address: 12403 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77082 Phone: (713) 589-3292 Email: Business hours: 24 hours My wife Sherryl and I are excited to open a new location for the Shipley Do-Nuts franchise. The name “MyShipleyDonuts” is made to be considered from “your” perspective. We want this to be “your” Shipley Do-Nuts. There are about 100 Shipley Do-Nuts locations in and around most of Houston, as well as more than 130 throughout the Southeast. -Mike Simon, Owner / Manager
